Is it only me, or do any of you get this in skin comments?
Hey guys, once again I am getting the thing where when I post a reply, I get taken to the bottom of the page and have to scroll up through a sometimes vast amount of dead grey area to get to the bottom post. Just sayin'......
Guys, lately I have intermittently not been getting an input box popup when giving karma in the forums. Sometimes it pops up at the top of the page, you have to scroll up to see it, sometimes no popup at all. IE 11, no addons. Windows 8.1 64 bit.
Can't quote in forums, and I am being subscribed to any thread I reply to. Windows 7 64 bit IE11.
Guys who code, when I mouseover the scroll to top button, if I'm not extremely precise, I get the popup box asking for reason for karma. Also, the subscribe/karma box shows beneath the OP by default. IE9 Win7 64 bit. While creating this post, I see this:
Guys, over the last 2 days I have seen a lot of this: IE9, Firefox. Windows 7. Anyone else?
T Man, can you fix this? If I try to put more than one image in a post, I get this error. Forces me to add a reply for each image I put up.
Devs, I know you're gonna be thinking this isn't important, I say it doesn't instill the greatest of confidence in the site's developers. My forum subscriptions page says I'm subscribed to 205 posts/threads, LOL, yeah, right. It also says I have 5 pages when I'm actually only subscribed to 2 threads. Now how is one to put faith in things around here when something so basic is wonky?
Well, if I can do this, we shall know, shall we not?
I can't post a reply from Internet Explorer, yet I can from Chrome and Edge. Anyone else with this issue? Anyone have any ideas other than clear the cache, which I have already done?
Hey Mods, Devs, whoever. I am signed in and getting ads. I have cleared the cache and rebooted. Still getting ads. And, oddly, I can't log off WC.
Hey devs. Good on ya for the ability to upload images directly. Now, I just tried and was greeted with an image upload limit reached error. Am I only allowed so many images in a time slot, per thread, or what? If there are rules and limitations, it would be good to know what they are, please. TIA..
Spam Reporting and Karma are broken. 500 Error given.
Hey there moderators, admins, Jafo, etc.... Ever since I posted a thread about Harley, I can't access the forums from my home PC. I even made a new login as my wife, no go. I get the egads page, using IE and Chrome portable, even Edge. I am able to get in from my PC at my inlaw's house, so it must be IP address related? Please help, someone.