Why is it that there is no icon showing for Multiplicity? Win 7, 64 bit.
I know, there is a thread for this. I couldn't find it, ok. OK, SDC shows me Object Dock Plus 2 as an available update. I have both plus 2 and plus 1.9 installed. I would like to point out that if I install this "update" I lose 1.9. We used to be able to have both installed, and I do. I had to install 1.9 from the store. SDC lists them both as Object Dock Plus 2.
I have a question. In Multiplicity 3 KVM Pro, I see an option to allow a secondary to control KVM PCs (requires activation). I tried my serial and it told me it was being used on another PC, so, what is the point? Second question. I have licenses for Multiplicity KVM Pro, and Multiplicity KVM. Can I use the MP KVM license on the secondary? To control KVM PCs?
Why is "show user picture" grayed out?
Hey guys. I can't get Theme Manager to load anything other than Aero Midnight on XP or Vista. I also can't get MyColors to install on either. What's up? I realize that XP is no longer supported, but these programs should work on XP. I hate that I bought a bunch of MyColors themes and can't use them. When I try to install MyColors, it acts like it's installing, until I see the "downloading MyColors" screen, then the window cl...
Start8 Devs, I have a request. Windows 8 natively allows for the use of taskbars on secondary monitors. Start8 does not put a start button on secondaries. Unless I'm missing something. Any chance we could get you to add that function? Clocks on each taskbar would be awesome as well, but I don't want to over expect.
Why are there no more Masters skinning? Come on guys, lets see some work! Lol.. We need more skinners.
I wonder why ObjectDesktop thinks WindowBlinds is compatible with Windows 11?
I know Windows 11 is new, but I have it on several PCs and ODM errors on checking for updates on all of them. Just a heads up.
Hey guys, does this recent update apply to all Multiplicity, or just the basic one with ObjDesktop? I mean, is there an update for the pro versions?
Hey there devs. I have a request. For those who use WindowFX and not Fences, I realize there is a "quick hide" function in WinFX. Can we add the ability to NOT have icons showing on boot up? Hidden by default, or a selection for that? I, for one, would appreciate it. Quick hide is the only reason I use Fences.
I have 3 Stardock accounts. Under 3 different emails. 3 seperate Object Desktop subscriptions. Why are my apps asking for activation when they were already activated and running fine for months? Also, on one rig, all of a sudden, WindowBlinds reports that it isn't correctly installed. It's been running fine for months. Please fix this, Stardock.