Guys, it is with a heavy heart that I pass on to you that I just received a call with bad news.
Our friend, and long time helpful soul in the forums here has died at 2 AM, EST, Thursday, Feb. 15th, 2018.
Wizard1956 has gone to be with his wife in heaven.
Wiz was a lot of help here, and a long time special friend to me. He tested all my DesktopX stuff, and that is how we met. He and his wife, Theda have visited us here in Tennessee and we spent time with them in Illinois. We grew close over the years.
It has been discussed here in the forums that he had stage 4 cancer, well, tonight he lost a great fight. He was was told that he had until August 2017 to live. He made it 6 months past his expiration date. He always had his sense of humor, right to the end.
I'll end this announcement with a funny thing he said to me on my second visit with him in Illinois.
He wanted me to come visit him, but knowing I couldn't afford the trip, he offered to pay for my gas.
I said, "Randy, I don't feel right letting you pay me to come see you."
Randy said, "Don't worry about it. I'll be paying you to leave too, so it'll even out."
I loved his humor. I loved him, as a brother. I will always think of him as a brother.
I hope you all have a few memories to share here. He will be missed.
Link to obit.