Rock On!!!
A very old goodie
Thanks so much for that 1964 Bob Dylan video. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man (which I am), we may never hear such skillfully written lyrics again.
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Need to share video from youtube and insert with button in reply that shows youtube. that allows you to embed into message. Here is a good tutorial:
Quoting Uvah,
Find the video you want to post on the "share" text below the "copy"....then come here and click on the Youtube button between the smiley faces and paste your link and click "ok."[/quote]
Some of the song writer/singers from a ways back.
WOW! This has turned out to be an awesome collection of music!!!
The 'Heart and Soul' of the master Bards. Whether they be weather or of lyrics they reflect how you feel. Sunshine and cool temps work wonders.
Nuthin' un American about this!