I got a new modem, and now.........
What is Docsis 3.0?
Results can vary depending on the time of day Jim, based on data usage, how many people on the Internet using that server, etc. But 70MB's download , even 64MB's download, sweet! I have a DOCSIS 3.0 modem too, but I guess it is probably the small town I live in, they figure we don't need that kind of speed.
And I bet Aussies pay more for it too....
We pay $185.00 per month for TV, Internet, and Phone. $58.95 of that is for internet.
And now I'm gonna kick up a stink...you get more than me.. from the same damn provider. Not fair
I only got 9.69mb/s just then... though I have seen it higher... up to 11mb/s in the wee hours of the am.
Right now it's Sat'dee arve and ev'ry man and his dog is on the net lookin' fer sumthin... not t' menshun all tha sheilas.
A bit better.... but like a rebel yell, I want more, more , more
99.99Mb/s download and upload would be nice.
I got the turtle by the short hairs and he ain't lettin' go.
You were warned about putting your hands inside his underwear...uh, shell.
You might have to squeeze his nuts and hope he'll let go... or does that only work with squirrels?
Dang, Barb.....dial up?
Yeah, I see speed ups in the wee hours too. Less impeding traffic, I guess.